Geografía y Naturaleza

Coro's sand Dunes

Coro's sand Dunes
Coro's sand Dunes

The sand dunes of the Isthmus of the Peninsula of Paraguaná are located north of the city of Coro, in Falcon State. Sand is brought from the sea by the Trade winds and deposited on the Istmo de Médanos. These winds, coming from Northeast, constantly model the sandy landscape.

Sand retention capability possessed by plants as the Mesquite can start the formation of dunes. These plant species possess very intricate root systems that catch great quantities of sand, obstructing its westward migration, causing the formation of the sand dunes.

Climate is relatively arid, in the dunes. Precipitations are low and scarce, concentrating in the last months of the year. Mean temperature varies within 27 and 30ºC. Absolute maximums oscillate around 40º and minimums around 16 ºC. Relative humidity fluctuates between 35 and 90%.

Dunes conform a very special dry environment, in the Isthmus of Paraguaná Peninsula. These areas have been protected under the legal figure of a National Park due to their landscape importance. Similar, but less known, dune formations exist to the south in the Apure State Plains.

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