Guías de Viaje

Quibor - El Tocuyo - Tintorero


Large size handcraft piece, opposite to the market
Large size handcraft piece, opposite to the market

Quibor is an attractive town nestling in a very fertile and important agricultural zone. Although its main activity is the agriculture, coming first in tomato and onion national production, what makes it an important tourist pole is its widely famous handcraft industry. Fine works in clay, with a traditional technique that native artisans have developed over the years can be seen at any of the local typical shops.

Our Lady of Altagracia Church
Our Lady of Altagracia Church

Craft Market in Quibor

Craft in Quibor

Our Lady of Altagracia Church that is opposite to Bolivar Square, was built in 1963 to serve as head quarters of the Franciscan Brotherhood, engaged in missionary work and preaching the gospel to the aborigines of the zone.

Our Lady of Altagracia Church
Our Lady of Altagracia Church


Further down Quibor entrance, on the way from Barquisimeto to Carora, there is a tiny village called Tintorero. Its name derives from the fact that most villagers are dyers (tintoreros) and weavers (tejedores). In its typical small shops spread all over the village, you will find hamacas, masallas (typical Indian chair), tablecloths, bedspreads and a great variety of good quality and reasonably priced woven cloths.

Sale in Tintorero

Sale in Tintorero

El Tocuyo

Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception Church

El Tocuyo founded by Juan Carvajal in 1545 is one of the oldest towns in Venezuela and it became important enough to be declared capital of the "Capitania General de Venezuela" (Venezuela's official name during Colony times) from 1546 till 1548. In this town you can visit the Immaculate Conception Church a fine colonial construction.

Small square in el Tocuyo

The combination of dry and hot weather plus the abundant water from El Tocuyo River make this fertile land ideal for growing sugar cane and other similar crops; as a matter of fact, this zone is one of the four in the whole world where sugar cane is cultivated all the year round.

Outskirts of Tocuyo

Sanare el Tocuyo

Other crops such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and alfalfa are also produced abundantly, thus making El Tocuyo a very important agricultural centre in the country.

Bolivar Square
Bolivar Square

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