Guías de Viaje

Pampatar and the San Carlos of Borromeo Castle

Pampatar Castle Margarita
Pampatar Castle

Pampatar is a city with a very particular charm, thanks to the San Carlos of Borromeo Castle. It’s located in the East part of Porlamar, and with the growing of the city, Pampatar is almost a part of Porlamar

A street in Pampatar
A street in Pampatar


The streets of Pampatar (in particular those near the castle) have a colonial touch, that give them a lot of interest. The Church of the Christ of the Good Trip is another of the attractions of Pampatar.

Beach from Pampatar
Beach from Pampatar

Beach in the sorruondings of Pampatar
Beach in the sorruondings of Pampatar

In Pampatar, resides the castle, there is a quiet beach. And if you drive further away you will soon find other beaches and residential zones or more modern hotels.

Fish in the Pampatar Bay
Fish in the Pampatar Bay

Pampatar was in its origins, a fisher town. Still in the bay you can match fishing activity like you can see in the photo.

Pampatar Castle (San Carlos of Borromeo Castle)

View of the Castle of San Carlos of Borromeo from the see
View of the Castle of San Carlos of Borromeo from the see

Cannon from the castle
Cannon from the castle

Tower of the castle
Tower of the castle

The castle of Pampatar is the best conserved castle on Margarita Island. It’s the typical castle of the colonial times, with cannons, dungeon and drawbridge. It also has a historical special interest. In this castle, Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi, was also locked for some days, before she was sent to La Guaira.


Cannon courtyard
Cannon courtyard

Side view of the Castle
Side view of the Castle

When you go to Margarita, don’t miss visiting this castle. You’ll love it.

Come with us to Margarita

Come to us to know all places of the Margarita island, and the neighbors Coche island and Los Frailes.


Porlamar en Margarita

El Valle en Margarita
El Valle

La Asunción en Margarita
La Asunción

Pampatar en Margarita

Playa Guacuco en Margarita
Playa Guacuco

Playa Parguito y Playa el Agua en Margarita
Parguito y Playa el Agua

Juan Griego en Margarita

Norte de Margarita

La Restinga en Margarita
La Restinga

Macanao en Margarita

El Yaque en Margarita
El Yaque

Coche Island
Coche Island

Los Frailes Island
Los Frailes

Margarita´s Beaches

Punta Arenas en Margarita
Punta Arenas

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