Los Roques

Gaviotas siguiendo a los pescadores

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Cayo de Agua (Water Key) - One of the most beautiful keys in Los Roques, one hour from Gran Roque, but completely worth the journey

Canaima - One of the most beautiful places in Venezuela is Canaima lagoon and its surroundings. The lagoon is fed by several small water falls: Hacha, Wadaima, Golondrina and Ucaima. On the back you can see 3 "tepuy", those flat top mountains, that distinguish this

Francisqui - After Gran Roque, the most visited island is probably Francisquí. Located at a short distance to the east, it can be reached in a few minutes. What is more surprising about Francisquí is the color of the water. Dark blues contrast with turquoises. The san

Crasquí - One of the most beautiful islands in Los Roques is Crasquí. Located a short distance to the west of Gran Roque, you can reach it in 30 minutes to an hour by boat.

Gran Roque - The biggest island in the archipelago of Los Roques is called "Gran Roque". Located to the north, this is where most of the population lives. Its also here where the airport is located, as well as all the inns (posadas), the school...

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