Guías de Viaje


The J. V. Seijas Aquarium, which is the most important in the country, does not only exhibit a large variety of fishes but also a good number of land animals in the adjoining zoo.

Statue at the park entrance
Statue at the park entrance

Toninas (small dolphins) trainer
Toninas (small dolphins) trainer

The main attraction at the aquarium is the "toninas" show that play and jump, amusing the spectators, who are too much delighted to mind the water splashes.

Behind the exhibition pool, there are two rooms that keep many aquariums showing a great variety of fishes and other species like this river alligator, and different kind of turtles.

Alligator from the coast
Alligator from the coast


Ciclodo Midas
Ciclodo Midas


Pez cuchillo
Pez cuchillo


The zoo, which is situated in a deep lot of land, has a lagoon, tapirs, plenty of birds, mammals, reptiles and naturally the ever-present funny monkeys. If you are in Valencia with kids, the Aquarium is a must. They will love it.

Cunaguaro (Big South American cat)
Cunaguaro (Big South American cat)

Video swimming (MPG - 93K)

Puma americano
Puma americano

Paují de copete
Paují de copete


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